Marshall McLuhan: Eine Biographie
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So formulierte es Marshall McLuhan in seinem 1962 erschienen Buch The Gutenberg Galaxy. Mit dem Begriff „Gutenberg-Galaxis“ bezeichnete er eine Welt, die grundlegend durch das Buch als ...
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What does the idea of the FAKE ART exhibition consist in? The nature of art, according to Brzeziński, lies in the sign. The sign is the material means (the medium) and the object to which it refers (meaning). Digital video, though, does not have the
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This concept is variously interpreted by the different narrators and in each instance requires contextual concretization in relation to the biography of the particular artist. This article distinguishes between the objective and subjective dimensions of experiencing success.
Słowa tego użył po raz pierwszy Marshall McLuhan w swojej publikacji "Counterblast": "The media are not toys; they should not be in the hands of Mother Goose and Peter Pan executives. They can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms."
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That is why, paraphrasing the words of a Canadian scientist, professor Herbert Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980), who said that “[…] we have moved from the era in which business was our culture to ...
Brief biography of Rumer Godden (1907-1998), British novelist and memoirist best known for In This House of Brede and Black Narcissus. Twilight Years Creative Art Books Worth Reading
Co mówią inni? One of the world's leading contemporary art galleries, White Cube has spaces in London and Hong Kong. Anselm Kiefer Channel interview | White Cube In this short film, German artist Anselm Kiefer discusses the process and inspiration behind his series of new paintings 'Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom', which depict Chairman Mao amidst an epic landscape.